Government of Illuminatia
The Government of Illuminatia is a utopian direct democracy with elements of representative democracy, hints of bureaucracy, and indications of technocracy, a system that evolved from the central command of the Lucidus mission as the mission's survivors settled the new world. This government maintains full sovereignty over the Illuminatian people and the planet upon which they reside.
Survivors of the Lucidus mission decided upon the form the terrestrial government would take using a direct democratic process. The power of this direct democracy was held in check by a process of democratic agreement regarding the level of plurality or supermajority necessary to adopt resolutions and elections. As a result, the form, structure, and values of the Illuminatian government very closely reflect the intent of the Illuminatian populace on an individual and cultural level. The process of Illuminatian politics, therefore, tends to be more of a harmonious understanding among those who disagree rather than a struggle based upon power and division.
The Illuminatian government is structured into four overall top-tier divisions, known as ultrabureaus:
- The Ultrabureau of Control (UBC)
- The Ultrabureau of the Executive (UBE)
- The Ultrabureau of the Judiciary (UBJ)
- The Ultrabureau of the Legislative (UBL)
The four ultrabureaus are intended to maintain a robust system of checks and balances among the divisions of the government, with systems in which a combination of ultrabureaus can interject in the affairs of any one ultrabureau.
Laws are deliberated by the tricameral legislature of the Ultrabureau of the Legislative.
Principal deliberative bodies
The four ultrabureaus are headed by a deliberative body which serves as a top-tier administrative committee. Parts of all of these chief presiding bodies can be called to form a trans-ultrabureau committee which can be used for matters of checks-and-balances.
Ultrabureau of Control
Ultrabureau of the Executive
Ultrabureau of the Judiciary
Ultrabureau of the Legislative
Organizational subdivisions
It is beneath the four ultrabureaus under which a structure of bureaus and departments operate. The majority—though by no means all–of these government agencies fall under the Ultrabureau of the Executive. Furthermore, a subsidiary level of offices operates within most bureaus and departments.
In general, bureaus of the Government of Illuminatia have authority to make regulations and collect assessed revenue, while departments simply administer a designated division of services or outreaches. Most bureaus and departments oversee a further sub-divisional level of agencies, referred to as offices, which administer specific ongoing programs or initiatives.
Ultrabureau of Control
- Bureau of Audit and Inspection (BAI)
- Bureau of Bureaucracy Management (BBM)
- Department of Direct Democracy (DDD), overseeing the Polling and Balloting Network.
- Department of Malfeasance and Corruption (DMC)
- Department of Ombudspersonship (DOO)
- Department of Public Information (DPI)
- Department of Public Service Media Investment (DPSMI)
- Department of Public Service Media Revenue (DPSMR)
Ultrabureau of the Executive
- Bureau of Elementary Particle Management (BEM)
- Bureau of Lucidian Technologies (BLT)
- Bureau of Natural Resources (BNR)
- Office of Aquatic Resources (OAR)
- Office of Atmospheric Conservation (OAC)
- Office of Cross-Species Collaboration (OCC)
- Office of Ecosystem Conservation (OEC)
- Office of Landscape and Terrain (OLT)
- Office of Mineral Resources (OMR)
- Office of Resource Extraction (ORE)
- Office of Resource Reclamation (ORR)
- Bureau of Reproduction and Copulation (BRC)
- Office of Death and Dismemberment (ODD)
- Office of Demography (OOD), overseeing the census.
- Office of Gamete Distribution (OGD)
- Office of Life and Conception (OLC)
- Office of Mate Matching (OMM)
- Office of Recreational Copulation (ORC)
- Department of Monetary Policy (DMP)
- Office of the Central Bank (OCB)
- Office of the Monetary Network (OMN), overseeing the Monetary Network.
- Department of Peace (DOP)
Ultrabureau of the Judiciary
- Bureau of Punishment and Castigation (BPC)
- Office of Expiation and Recompense (OER)
- Office of Voluntary Punishment (OVP), overseeing the Voluntary Punishment Program.
Ultrabureau of the Legislative
- Ancillary Assembly (UBL)
- Paramount Assembly (UBL)
- Primary Assembly (UBL)
- Department of Tertiary Assemblies (DTA)
Historical context from the Lucidus Mission
The central command of the Lucidus mission provided the foundation for a structure of cooperative leadership in Illuminatian culture once the to-be Illuminatians reached the ground and settled in Illuminatia. While the mission was under the executive guidance of the captains of the three Lucidus spacecraft, this authority was informed by and ultimately contingent upon the consent and cooperation of individuals occupying positions of competency overseeing the gamut of operational areas within the mission.
Leadership on the Lucidus mission was principally awarded to persons with the greatest knowledge or competency in a given area of expertise. Leadership based on this model was relatively stable and slow to change, as persons of authority in a subject or function tended to maintain a superior level of authority until retirement.
This structure was enforced largely through an ingrained culture of cooperation, which was highly functional aboard a space mission with a long term goal. Leadership on Lucidus effectively operated as a technocracy thanks to collectivist cultural values. Technocratic elements survived into the democracy developed on the surface of Illuminatia.
Establishing an Illuminatian government
Command-like control continued through the early phases of Illuminatian settlement, although cooperative leadership organically evolved into a democracy. Votes among leaders became increasingly common.
Government evolved very quickly upon settlement. The first quasi-governmental local and regional civic structures in Illuminatia appeared in within the first three AU of humanity's arrival on the planet. Official operations of the first transcontinental government occurred in AI 16 with the founding of Voston.
The Illumination leadership eventually developed an understanding that direct democracy with a bureaucratic technocracy overseeing the limited reaches of government would be less of a risk to the long-term survival of the Illuminatian branch of humanity, considering the increasing population of Illuminatia and the relatively forgiving environment of the planet relative to that of a spaceship.
Systems of Illuminatian government today
The Polling and Balloting Network is a technologically advanced system allows the population of Illuminatia to take part in a rolling direct democracy. Taking part in votes on resolutions is essentially an everyday part of life in Illuminatia. The Polling and Balloting Network is maintained by the Department of Direct Democracy (DDD).
The Monetary Network is a universal entirely-electronic system of communicating monetary transactions and accounting for balances of funds. The Monetary Network is overseen by the DMP's Office of the Monetary Network (OMN) and is built upon the same communication infrastructure as the Polling and Balloting Network. The network is used for all transactions among private individuals, businesses, organizations, and government agencies.
The Occupational and Instructional Productivity and Placement System (OIPPS) is an aptitude-assessment and career placement system operated by the BEE's Office of Assessment and Placement. This complex system of connected databases and calculators uses inputs of economic and workforce information to suggest guaranteed educational, research, and job assignments for all participants in the public education system and the general labor force.
The Automated Terrestrial Traffic Instruction and Control System (ATTICS) is a continent-wide coordinated network of communications channels and control mechanisms that directly controls and manipulates the movement of motor vehicles and locomotives. All vehicles traveling on ATTICS routes must be equipped with the capacity to be controlled by the system and to communicate to the system and surrounding vehicles. Vehicles on an ATTICS route are prohibited from manual operation by human drivers.