Department of Karma Adjustment

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The Illuminatia Department of Karma Adjustment (DKA) is an agency of the Illuminatian government responsible for administering the transaction and assignment of karma on behalf of the individuals and entities of Illuminatia. Transactions of karma are accomplished using the Karmic Unit (KU).

Although participation in the exchange of karma is not mandatory in Illuminatia and the DKA has no authority to assess karma upon individuals and entities without prior consent from those subjects, the vast majority of individuals, organizations, corporations, and other entities voluntarily take part in the karma exchange program as an unproblematic way to manage civil matters and mitigate risks associated with everyday life.

The value of a Karmic Unit transaction is agreed upon by the parties involved in the situation causing karmic exchange to take place. If a karma assignment involving an individual has no second party involved, the DKA administers the matter by agreement of a jury of peers. Parties to a karmic exchange might agree to use a community moderation agency as an intermediary in the event of a complex or contentious situation. Community moderation agencies are overseen by the DKA's Office of Community Moderation (OCM).

Individuals and entities may have a positive or negative karma balance. Subjects taking part in the karma exchange program are strongly discouraged from maintaining an excessively high or low balance of karma. People can proactively or retroactively correct an imbalance of karma by engaging in a karmic rebalancing activity or transaction. Taking part in karmic rebalancing is very common. Engaging in karmic rebalancing involves a process of enduring positive or negative treatment with the goal of bringing one's karmic balance closer to zero. The activity is regulated by the DKA. The value of a karmic rebalancing transaction is agreed upon by all entities affected.

Individuals—on a personal basis, as well as corporate executives—on behalf of the entities under their control, have been known to freely consent to public and private flogging, the wearing of a dunce hat or other badge of shame, and the breaking of thumbs, arms, legs, and other extremities, under approval of the DKA, in order to correct significant negative karma balances.

Individuals with unacceptably high karma balances frequently agree to endure periods of excessive pampering, massages and spa retreats, tropical vacations, services from the Recreational Copulation Program under the BRC, and gifts of baked goods for the purpose of correcting significantly high karma balances.

It is possible a person might attempt a karmic debalancing maneuver in order to indirectly affect another individual's Karmic Unit balance, although this activity is considered deviant and potentially illegal and could cause the mastermind to be subject to intervention or penalty by the DKA.