Office of Malicious Compliance

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The Illuminatia Office of Malicious Compliance (OCM) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Department of Malfeasance and Corruption (DMC). The OCM furthers the DMC's efforts in identifying instances of corruption and misconduct relating specifically to occurrences of ill-willed compliance to rules, regulations, and guidelines within government departments, bureaus, and offices.

The Department of Malfeasance and Corruption, not long after it was established and given the authorization to independently use covert means to expose corruption and unfairness in government, discovered that in some cases a particular form of misconduct existed which operated upon the premise of compliance specifically with the literal wording of regulations, rules, and instructions while disobeying the spirit or ultimate goals of these laws and guidelines in efforts to undermine the objectives of those directives.

The Office of Malicious Compliance was eventually established under the umbrella of the DMC to use the same platoon of secret agents that the DMC employed to infiltrate government agencies from the inside. However, the OMC provided specialized training to these agents in the art of malicious compliance—a pandemic form of insubordination and maliciousness found in many government agencies.

Seeing that the craft of malicious compliance expresses itself in part using strict compliance to the protocols and directives of a given government agency or program, apprehending those partaking in this type of subterfuge is not possible using the weight of any given law or regulation as it applies to the government personnel and contractors taking part in the malicious compliance. Due to Ultrabureau of Control (UBC) protections and Ultrabureau of the Judiciary (UBJ) resolutions, any agent employing malicious compliance is by definition complying with all applicable rules and regulations and as a result is immune from being accused, prosecuted, or subjected to consequences based on any of these stated rules.

The OMC's agents investigate and uncover malicious compliance using methods outside of the written laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, protocols, or other instructions governing government employment and contractorship. By instigating their own acts of malicious compliance, OMC agents seduce personnel already taking part in the suspect actions to make themselves known to the OMC operatives. Frequently, they will confess or in some other way acknowledge or make recognized their actions to the OMC agents, thereby opening a valid path of intervention using accepted standards of government arbitration.