Department of Calamity and Catastrophe

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The Illuminatia Department of Calamity and Catastrophe (DCC) is an agency of the Illuminatian government tasked with coordinating public response to major disasters and significant incidents of extensive or widespread misfortune. The DCC also manages resources developed to prevent and recover from assorted natural and man-made debacles affecting the general public.

The DCC lends funding and oversight to entities that provide communication in the event of a calamity or catastrophe, including certain wireless broadcasters. The DCC also works with the Department of Climate and Meteorology (DCM) to research naturally-generated catastrophic events and develop improved forewarning for weather-related threats to human health and civil order.

A civilian government department for managing all aspects of response in the event of a large scale fiasco was established to prevent issues that might arise from a more militaristic approach to managing significant disasters, as was seen commonly on Earth, where populations often found themselves under strict, violent governmental control in reaction to urgent conditions. This enlightened Illuminatian approach is intended to ensure the preservation of civil liberties and public safety despite a governmental response to any given calamity or catastrophe.

The DCC's Office of Disaster Prevention is known to encourage writing and related discourse within the preapocalyptic fiction genre of literature and theatre—sometimes with modest monetary contributions—in efforts to improve public readiness in the event of a disaster or cataclysmic event and to inspire deliberation that might prevent such events from occurring in the first place. The DCC does so with a favoritism toward preapocalyptic literature because the genre has the potential to reach these goals in the tasteful and non-alarming fashion that government propaganda promoting violent, gruesome post-apocalyptic scenarios wouldn't.

Organizational subdivisions

The following is an incomplete list of the offices operating under the DCC: