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Verdi, Illuminatia

Location of Verdi in Illuminatia


  • 176,265 (250 AI Census)
  • 650,000 (300 AI estimate)


  • 47 (250 AI Census)
  • 46 (estimated)

Demonym: Verdian

Primary trading partners: Vivaldi, Nocturne, Rossini, Serenade, Rhapsody

Verdi is a coastal city in northwestern mainland Illuminatia overlooking the channel that separates the continent from the Baroque Isle—Illuminatia's largest island and most northwesterly land mass. Verdi is situated upon a narrow strip of flatlands wedged between the Transilluminatian Range to the southeast and the channel to the northwest.

Verdi's strategic coastal situation at the terminus of Illuminatia's western railroad line makes the city a busy shipping port for goods making the short trip across the channel to Vivaldi on the Baroque Isle. Despite its continental location, Verdi is heavily influenced by the island's culture due to its proximity to the island and relative isolation from other similarly-sized cities on the western Illuminatian mainland. The largest public institution of tertiary education in Verdi is the University of Methods and Practices, which attracts students from across northwestern Illuminatia.

As of the 250 AI Census, Verdi had a population of 176,265 residents, making it Illuminatia's 47th-largest city. Verdi has experienced very impressive growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population of almost 650,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of about 370% over 50 AU.

Verdi is a primary settlement city and is populated primarily by descendants of the second multiversal duplication of the Lucidus I ship.

Verdi was named in honor of an ancient Earthly composer of classical music.