University of Relative Enlightenment

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University of Relative Enlightenment

University of Relative Enlightenment Logo.png

22 Faubus Avenue, Mingus

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary, tertiary education

Specialties: Rhetorical arts, audio engineering, medical arts and sciences

Enrollment: 37,000

Colors: Van Cleef Brown, Dark Carrot

Revenue: 4,078,000μ/AU

The University of Relative Enlightenment (URE) is a public institution of tertiary education located in Mingus. URE is popular among secondary and tertiary students across central Illuminatia largely because of the university's specialized degrees in the rhetorical arts, audio engineering, and the medical arts and sciences.

The University of Relative Enlightenment offers both secondary and tertiary degrees, with secondary degrees generalizing in most of the liberal arts and sciences and tertiary degrees focused on the school's most credible specialisms. Most of the university's students originate from the nearby metropolitan areas of the Adamopolitan River valley and the greater Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex, but students concentrating in the advanced degrees in the rhetorical arts, thought tradition studies, oration, karmic relations, and music theory—among other areas of specialty—are attracted to the school from across Illuminatia. Enrollment at URE exceeds 37,000 students.

URE receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) and oversight from the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP). As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of URE's operational resources and is proportional to the number of students the university serves. Revenue for the University of Relative Enlightenment totals about 4,078,000μ/AU.

As with all public education institutions, students of the University of Relative Enlightenment enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks the Office of Assessment and Placement (OAP)'s government-assisted career matching system, which matches graduates with places of employment or other educational institutions where they map pursue research opportunities or further higher education.

URE students are known for their creative pranks involving presenting extensively modified string basses and other fine stringed instruments to popular musicians visiting the city for public performances, often as to the surprise of the musicians as well as their audiences, and often on stage during the musicians' performances. It is customary for musicians presented with these instruments to enthusiastically attempt to play from the musician's repertoire for the benefit of the audience, even if the musician is not personally trained to play the instrument in question.