Astral Weeks

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Astral Weeks, Illuminatia

Location of Astral Weeks in Illuminatia


  • 77,691 (250 AI Census)
  • 270,000 (300 AI estimate)

Rank: 112

Demonym: Astralite

Primary trading partners: Anthem, Julie Ann, Van Morrison, Blue Skies, Overture

Astral Weeks is an eastern coastal city situated on the northern shore of Randall Bay.

As of the 250 AI Census, Astral Weeks had a population of 77,691 residents, making it Illuminatia's 112th-largest city. Astral Weeks has experienced extensive growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population of approximately 270,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of nearly 350% over 50 AU.

Astral Weeks is a primary settlement city and is populated primarily by descendants of the first multiversal duplication of the Lucidus II ship.

Astral Weeks was named in honor of an Earthly compilation of musical works composed and recorded during the planet's modern-ancient era.