College of Wisdom and Learning

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College of Wisdom and Learning

College of Wisdom and Learning Logo.png

21 1st Street, Béla Fleck

Industry: Education

Entity type: Non-profit, public

Product: Secondary education

Specialties: Creative sciences, psychology, metachemistry

Enrollment: 23,700

Colors: Sinbad, Grape

Revenue: 2,610,000μ/AU

College of Wisdom and Learning (CWL) is a public institution of secondary education located in Béla Fleck. UAI offers secondary degrees with strengths in the creative sciences, psychology, and metachemistry.

The College of Wisdom and Learning is popular for a variety of degree programs among secondary students throughout the Southwestern Megalopolitan Complex. CWL's graduates commonly become successful psychologists, metascientists, and chemists. Other secondary graduates go on to pursue tertiary studies in the human sciences and metasciences. The college's students, as is the case with students attending all public education institutions, enjoy a nearly 100% placement rate upon graduation thanks the Office of Assessment and Placement (OAP)'s government-assisted career matching system.

The college's enrollment totals 23,700 students. The College of Wisdom and Learning receives funding from the Bureau of Education and Enlightenment (BEE) proportional to its student population, and its curriculum is under the oversight of the BEE's Office of Curriculum and Programming (OCP). As with most public educational institutions, public funding accounts for nearly all of CWL's operational resources. The university's annual revenue averages 2,610,000μ annually.

CWL is unique in requiring all of its secondary students to engage in a research and discovery project that results in the student proposing a potential new subject area of scientific study. The proposals maybe very specific or propose areas not yet congruent with current scientific understanding. Proposals are submitted to the college's metasciences department and some of the student proposals have resulted in new survey courses at the college.