Semirecreational pursuits in Illuminatia

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Illuminatians commonly engage in semirecreational pursuits and diversionary activities with a rationale aligned somewhat loosely with recreational intentions or competitive athletics and more-closely aligned toward karma rebalancing.

A pursuit or procedure of this nature is considered recreational because it is not utilized therapeutically in a medicinal context and is not pursued professionally for compensation. This is similar to a class of recreational pursuits such as recreational decapitation and recreational exsanguination, which are never practiced for medical purposes and are only engaged upon for sheer amusement and diversion.

However, semirecreational pursuits practiced with the intention of completing a karmic rebalancing are not considered to be purely recreational in nature because they are practiced with a specific goal in mind that involves some level of personal gain, rather than purely for personal amusement and leisure. In the case of karmic rebalancing, the benefit involved is an intentional raising or lowering of Karmic Unit (KU) balance.

Karmic rebalancing

See article: Karmic rebalancing

The majority of semirecreational pursuits are engaged upon for the purpose of karmic rebalancing. Karmic rebalancing involves taking part in an activity that results in the raising or lowering Karmic Unit balance. If one's Karmic Unit balance is too low, one must engage in a rebalancing activity involving some level of pain or displeasure in order to raise that balance closer to zero. If one's Karmic Unit balance is too high, one must engage in a rebalancing activity involving some level of pleasure or delight in order to lower the balance nearer to zero.

Karmic rebalancing is always engaged upon consensually, although certain societal pressures may encourage a person or an entity to pursue a karmic rebalancing more expeditiously than they might have otherwise planned upon their own accord. Adjustments to karmic balances are pursued only under the consent and advisement of the Department of Karma Adjustment (DKA), which administers all transactions of karma on behalf of individuals and entities.

Examples of karmic rebalancing activities classified as semicrecreational pursuits intended to raise a diminished Karmic Unit balance might include Recreational Depilation, Recreational Flogging, Recreational Castration, or Generalized Recreational Suffering, among numerous other options.

Examples of karmic rebalancing activities intended to lower an elevated Karmic Unit balance might include Recreational Gastronomy, Recreational Copulation, Recreational Gluttony, Recreational Gyration, or Recreational Destruction and Nonvictimizing Aggression, among many other pleasant pursuits.