River Harmonica

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River Harmonica

Location of the River Harmonica in Illuminatia

The River Harmonica is a body of water flowing from north to south through the intermountain region bookmarked by the Timmons Range to the southwest and the Lucidian Range to the northeast. The River Harmonica has headwaters in north-central Illuminatia and has a terminus in Brookeview Bay at the city of Harmony.

The River Harmonica provides a major navigable transportation route from Harmony in the south to points northward. A major land transportation route between the Brookeview Ludwig Megalopolitan Complex to the south and the Anglo-Russo-Hungarian Megalopolitan Complex to the north parallels the River Harmonica for nearly the entirety of the river's length.

Major cities residing along the length of the River Harmonica, in order from upriver to terminus, include Stravinsky, Shostakovich, and Harmony. The River Harmonica flows through a region with significant adoption of the Protolucidian Major language and served as an instrumental route for spreading populations of the language's native speakers. Populations living in the cities adjacent to the River Harmonica are primarily descendants of the third multiversal duplication of the Lucidus II ship.

The River Harmonica finds the origin of its name in musical terminology.