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The Papershrub is a classification of grassy bush-like flora native to Illuminatia which is widely cultivated and harvested on industrial scales to produce fibre for consumer items such as paper, cardboard, and cardstock. The burgeoning newspaper industry in Illuminatia relies heavily upon Papershrub production for printing.

In addition to industrial production, the Papershrub is also a common household plant, suitable for indoor or outdoor horticultural pursuits. The Papershrub grows easily, thriving in both extremely wet and exceptionally arid conditions, and flourishing in soils containing high levels of organic content as well as sandy and rocky soils. Papershrub requires only moderate sunlight but also survives in full direct daytime sun. This resiliency makes the Papershrub the perfect vegetation for urban dwellers to use as ornamentation for small poorly-tended yards and gardens as well as indoors in neglected pots and gardening containers.

Papershrubs grown in different soil and moisture conditions will produce paper material dissimilar in smoothness and glossiness. Some Papershrub varieties respond with characteristics most suitable for the production of lightweight paper when grown under well-watered conditions with moderate sunlight and organic soil. The Cardboardshrub varieties of Papershrub grow well in dry soils with low humidity and high levels of sunlight.

Newspapers and other periodicals and publications print their product on Papershrub-derived newsprint material because newsprint and similar paper products produced from the Papershrub are ecologically-friendly organic materials. On an industrial scale, newsprint production is a highly sustainable practice. Nearly all newsprint is recycled for further use in other paper products. Newsprint paper is also fully biodegradable in the environment of Neonisi and actually contributes to biological fertility when it is deposited in the ground.

Papershrub material contains nearly-microscopic seeds which—when not disturbed by especially rigorous processing techniques—can survive and be planted in soil and sprout new Papershrubs when exposed to favorable conditions. Newsprint and several other paper types contain a dense amount of viable Papershrub seed. Because of this, Illuminatians have been known to plant their newspapers in their gardens to produce dense stands of new Papershrub bushes.

Domestically-grown Papershrubs are often harvested by homeowners and brought to paper manufacturers and sold in return for a modest revenue. Domestic Papershrub cultivation is a not-uncommon poverty avoidance activity for people of minimal means in both urban and rural communities.

Many homeowners invite others to harvest their Papershrubs on their behalf and let the harvesting hands keep the revenue as a charitable gesture. Local periodicals distribution systems often assist in collecting recycled newsprint material in addition to their primary responsibility of distributing newspapers and other periodicals. In a growing number of localities, local periodicals distribution systems have also deployed Papershrub collection services for the additional convenience of subscribers and also for sustainability objectives.