Symphonic Bay

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Symphonic Bay

Location of Symphonic Bay southern in Illuminatia

Points of interest: Symphony, Allegro, Adagio, Crescendo, River Sinfonia

Symphonic Bay is an ocean basin adjacent to the southern coast of the Illuminatian continent, bounded to the north by Illuminatia's Modal Peninsula and to the south by Concerto Island. The innermost extent of the bay at its northwesternmost point is the location where the River Sinfonia empties into the bay at the city of Symphony.

The extent of Symphonic Bay is most commonly agreed to be within a line drawn from a less-commonly-agreed mid-point along the northern coast of Concerto Island to an equally imprecise point midway along the southerly coast of the Modal Peninsula, however the extent of Symphonic Bay can be more generally referred to as anywhere within a line drawn from the easternmost tip of Concerto Island to the easternmost tip of the Modal Peninsula.

Symphonic Bay enjoys a moderate climate with a higher-than-average level of precipitation.

The concentration of population centers lining the perimeter of the bay arose from the second multiversal duplication of modules that landed originating from the Lucidus III ship. Descendants of these Lucidus survivors predominantly occupy this region today.

A portion of the coastline surrounding the most interior extent of Symphonic Bay is occupied by the South Coast Megalopolitan Complex, along with that conurbation's anchor city, Symphony, which is also the largest city situated upon the bay. Other major cities adjacent to the bay include Allegro, Adagio, Maestoso, and Crescendo.