Office of Disaster Prevention

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The Illuminatia Office of Disaster Prevention (ODP) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Department of Calamity and Catastrophe (DCC). The ODP manages and encourages activities related to the prevention of foreseeable disasters and other incidents of extensive or widespread misfortune, as well as activities involving and promoting public preparation and readiness for such misadventures.

Efforts the ODP is known to support include education relating to first aid and emergency medical response, inspection and compliance concerning construction engineering standards, enforcement of fire prevention and conflagration risk reduction regulations, development of criteria for safety and security relating to chemicals and nuclear materials, implementation of sanitation standards, assistance in vaccination and immunization efforts, operation of catastrophe and calamity simulation drills, and general instructional mass communication through various print and non-print media outlets.

The Office of Disaster Prevention works with the DCC's Office of Natural Disasters (OND) and Office of Anthropogenic Hazards (OAH) to determine which foreseeable natural and unnatural disasters deserve the greatest preparational efforts. The ODP specifically interfaces with the Department of Climate and Meteorology (DCM) to research naturally-generated catastrophic events and develop improved forewarning for climatologically-related threats to human health and civil order.

The ODP has been known to encourage the production and consumption of literature and various forms of theatre falling within the preapocalyptic fiction genre because of an understanding that general public discourse surrounding this genre of writing tends to augment levels of preparedness for disasters as well as encourage activities that might precipitously prevent calamities of apocalyptic proportions. Sometimes providing modest monetary contributions to encourage the preapocalyptic fiction genre of literature and theatre, the ODP seeks to improve readiness in the event of a disaster or cataclysmic event and to inspire deliberation that might prevent such events from occurring in the first place. The DCC does so with a favoritism toward preapocalyptic literature because the genre has the potential to reach these goals in the tasteful and non-alarming fashion.