Office of Anthropogenic Hazards

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The Illuminatia Office of Anthropogenic Hazards (OAH) is a government office operating within the Illuminatia Department of Calamity and Catastrophe (DCC). The OAH oversees disaster management efforts related to human-generated calamities and other extensive incidents of misfortune not originating through natural means.

The OAH is commonly involved in the administration of response to and recovery from disasters such as fires, explosions, chemical and nuclear releases, collapses of buildings and other infrastructure, motor vehicle and train collisions, airplane and spaceship crashes, recalls of faulty consumer products, epidemics and pandemics, food poisoning outbreaks, riots, and widespread public panics.

The OAH is complemented by the Office of Natural Disasters (OND), a companion agency that oversees response to catastrophes that are not caused by humans.