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Thelonious, Illuminatia

Location of Thelonious in Illuminatia


  • 195,184 (250 AI Census)
  • 740,000 (300 AI estimate)

Rank: 37

Demonym: Thelonian

Primary trading partners: Overture, Adamopolis, Anthem, Maiden Voyage, Blue Skies

Thelonious is a coastal city on the southern shore of Randall Bay. Located at the mouth of the River Monk, Thelonious is a constituent of the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex and is Illuminatia's 37th-largest city.

Thelonious is known for its culinary, humanitarian, and piano manufacturing industries. The commerce surrounding transportation of goods is also significant here due to the city's sea port and its position as a hub for a moderately extensive river transportation network, connected directly to inland cities such as Straight-no-Chaser and Moon River.

As of the 250 AI Census, Thelonious had a population of 195,184 residents, making it Illuminatia's 37th-largest city. Thelonious has experienced very impressive growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population almost 740,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of nearly 380% over 50 AU.

Thelonious is a primary settlement city, settled by members of the first multiversal duplication of the Lucidus III ship, putting the ancestors who established this city in close kinship with those who landed at Overture.

Thelonious was named in honor of an ancient Earthly jazz pianist and composer.