Sexism in Illuminatia

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Sexism is among the numerous varieties of prejudice and discrimination that plagued earthly human civilization which, unlike on Earth, are not actively observed, practiced, or encouraged in Illuminatia. Sexism and other forms of gender discrimination have been made irrelevant in Illuminatia because the concept of gender is not recognized in Illuminatian culture.

While human beings in Illuminatia do continue to exhibit physiological, biological, and genetic attributes associated with biological sex, the status of one's biological sex is generally not publically shared. It is generally considered a social faux pas to disclose one's sex to anybody except close loved ones, medical professionals, and one's sexual partners. As a result, gender, as an extinct cultural concept, has no mechanism for being attached to one's sex, and therefore discrimination based upon one's sex is not practical.

As Illuminatians recognize a constellation of personal attributes surrounding an individual's personality, proclivities, behaviors, and personal aesthetic expressions, among other characteristics, the assignment of gender would be considered to be inaccurate and arbitrary. The lack of a discrete number of identifiable concise genders makes it such that sexism and gender-based discrimination are also not practical.

A term for sexism does not exist in the Glossa Communi language. When teaching about the concept of sexism in history and literature, primary school and secondary education instruction must utilize more descriptive compound terms that more accurately communicate the idea and how it impacted civilization on Earth.

Per Lucidus guidelines for human settlement of Illuminatia, government documentation and identification does not record any information regarding an individual's sex, as such information is deemed of no consequence to identifying an individual's public persona and is considered to be of no interest to the government.