Science Deco

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Building Illustration 2.png

Science Deco is a style of architecture, infrastructure design, product design, and artistic visual motif that was first seen in Illuminatia around AI 190 with popularity of the style in Illuminatia reaching a height soon after AI 230.

Science deco is characterized by the use of sharp acute angles, fine textures, symmetry, tight curves in cases in which curves are employed, as well as colors trending toward the cool end of the visual spectrum desaturated to be close to a neutral dark gray.

Science Deco grew out of a type of groupthink among architects and designers in Lark Ascending, although the adoption of science deco as a popular art form was made possible by the expansion of Science Deco influences throughout the Anglo-Russo-Hungarian Megalopolitan Complex—particularly in Serenade and the subsequent spread replication of the design techniques in other major cities in the West Coast Megalopolitan Complex and—most importantly—the Randall Bay Megalopolitan Complex, where the booming population density of Adamopolis and Anthem encouraged the adoption of Science Deco in audacious new architecture and civil engineering projects demanded by the rapidly-growing economy of Illuminatia's largest cities which in turn was powered by a rapidly increasing population.

Illuminatia's most widely-referenced, most distinctive examples of Science Deco in architecture include the headquarters of Vos Broadcasting in central Adamopolis, the downtown offices of Rhapsody Asset and Loan in Rhapsody, and the Serenade Chronicle in Serenade, among many other high-rise buildings in city centers across Illuminatia.

Some distinguishing examples of Science Deco in product design include the "Relate" line of general consumer products produced by Moderate Value from AI 240 into AI 260 and the Vibra-Deco line of personal products manufactured by Robissimo Teledildonics Corporation.