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Nachtmusik, Illuminatia

Location of Nachtmusik in Illuminatia


  • 181,718 (250 AI Census)
  • 660,000 (300 AI estimate)

Rank: 44

Demonym: Musician

Primary trading partners: Mozart, Ave Maria, Ave Verum, Mahler, Mussorgsky

Nachtmusik, briefly known previously by the name "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" before a shortening of the municipality's name, is a city situated among the most southerly extents of the north-flowing watersheds of the northeastern region. Residents of Nachtmusik exhibit a strong preference for chamber ensemble music—particularly light serenades—when it comes to their musical entertainment.

Nachtmusik is a major population center forming a portion of the Wolfgang Amadeus Megalopolitan Complex. Nachtmusik is home to the a leading regional institution of tertiary education, the University of Insight and Intuition.

As of the 250 AI Census, Nachtmusik had a population of 181,718 residents, making it Illuminatia's 44th-largest city. Nachtmusik has experienced impressive growth since then and it is estimated the city will have a population over 660,000 by the 300 AI Census, an increase of more than 360% over 50 AU.

A secondary settlement city, Nachtmusik is populated primarily by descendants of the third multiversal duplication of the Lucidus III ship.

Nachtmusik was named in honor of an ancient Earthly classical music composition.