Fin de Mission

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Art Design Illustration 2.png

Fin de Mission is a style of architecture, interior design, product design, and fashion in Illuminatia that strongly employs characteristics of the design of the interior and exterior elements of the Lucidus mission spacecraft. Fin de Mission design began appearing in Illuminatia around AI 300, long after the original items inspiring Fin de Mission design exited being in vogue.

Objects and structures from the Lucidus mission were prevalent in Illuminatia at the onset of human settlement of the Neonisi planet. The remains of the Lucidus mission were unmistakably ubiquitous in everyday life for decades, as for quite some time, no objects existed in the human environment other than those which were brought to the surface by Lucidus survivors. The colors, angles, and textures associated with the Lucidus mission were highly representative of this portion of history. The phenomenon of Fin de Mission design does not refer to original Lucidus mission artifacts during the time immediately following the commencement of human habitation in Illuminatia, but instead refers to the intentional design influenced by a reverence for or nostalgia for the Lucidus mission.

It is theorized that elements Fin de Mission design had no chance of regaining popularity until original items from the Lucidus mission exited popular usage in Illuminatia. As the population of Illuminatia increased and was slowly dominated by people native to the newfound planet, the machinery, tools, clothing, everyday items, and modular architectural structures fell into disrepair and disuse, while new designs for the most ordinary of items began entering living and working spaces as Illuminatia's native-born inhabitants began inventing and creating. During this period preceding the resurgence of Lucidus-influenced design, most everything a person encountered that was original to the Lucidus mission would be entering disrepair and obsolescence. Lucidus artifacts represented dysfunction and decay.

Throughout this time, however, a small percentage of professionals and artists continued interacting with a minority of highly-durable specialized Lucidus-origin tools and apparatus. The exceptionality of these situations began entering the popular narrative, where contemporary culture slowly adopted admiration for these rare machines due largely to their perceived uniqueness and scarcity. The artists and creators of modern Illuminatia made note of the grip these Lucidian items had on the public, and began producing the first Fin de Mission designs. Fin de Mission developed a visual identity and popularity ballooned from there, penetrating into fashion apparel, interior decorating, product design, and eventually architecture and public infrastructure.

Since the heyday of Fin de Mission design at approximately AI 340, the relative exceptionality of the features of this style have nurtured its overall attractiveness. By never reaching a status of popular majority, Fin de Mission maintained its luster and notability in the long term, allowing the design principle to never fall out of fashion.